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  new 7th edition 
We all  take the same steps, just at different times. How to Sell Yourself as an Actor provides tools for your career and your life. Starting from scratch: setting goals, getting organized, moving forward. Learning to deal with the ups and downs of the actor's lifestyle. The more things change, the more they remain the same. The actor's lifestyle is a difficult one.  "Can I handle  all that rejection?" should be one of the first questions an actor asks himself. Callan talks about the personality tools the actor also needs to bring on the journey. The first and last book for every actor for every stage of the career.  $20
Callan's Los Angeles and New York Agent guides continue to be the gold standard for actors at all stages of their careers weighing options for relationships with agents. Whether it's your first agent or your 10th, attracting, choosing, leaving, or staying, these books give you an understanding of how the business works.  Callan’s conversations with agents produce insights into what agents are looking for, what they expect of their clients and what the actor has a right to expect in return. 

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